Are you wearing your nightguard?

I’ve talked about nightguards before but almost everyday I get messgages from patients that they’re in need to be seen because they’ve cracked a tooth or a tooth has broken or hurt etc. All of the messages are not related to clenching but a lot of them are.
It pains me as a dentist to not be able to see my patients and help them.

Listen guys these are stressful times and if you have been prescribed a nightguard then you probably are a clencher or grinder and there is no better time than now to wear your guard. Alternatively if you have started clenching now and wasn’t before and don’t have a guard, try moving your tongue to the roof of your mouth. This is slightly awkward and obviously you can’t do this at night but during the day it’ll help create separation between your teeth and alleviate the stress and pressure on your teeth. .
If you work from home and feel you’re clenching while working please wear it then as well. Just because it’s called a night guard doesn’t mean that you can’t wear it at other times. . .

Dentist are very limited in terms of seeing patients now and unless it’s a real emergency we are advised to manage the issues over the phone to prevent hospitals and the few offices that are open to be over flooded. .

So please do yourselves and your health care practitioners a favour and stay home and wear your guard.